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Te Tiriti Statement
Yoga Education in Prisons Trust will work together with Ara Poutama; people in Ara Poutama’s care, people on community sentences, their whānau, hapū, iwi and communities to incorporate traditional cultural values and promote inclusive decision-making processes.
New beginner’s booklet - Peace from within. Yoga and meditation education for people in prison.
The Yoga Education in Prison’s Trust has developed a new content offering for Beginner’s, those new to yoga, or re-introducing themselves to the practice of yoga.
Wellbeing doesn’t stop at the prison gate. A crowd- funding campaign from the YEPT.
The YEPT will take part in the Generosity Generator Fundraising Campaign from the 6 November to the 17th of November 2023. There are so many ways for you to get involved- through running a koha yoga class and sharing koha with the YEPT, through a donation, to sharing the campaign on your social media or maybe telling a journalist about our campaign!
Te Rokihau, The calm breath. A Yoga Prison TV Video Project
In 2022 the Yoga Education in Prison Trust [YEPT] started work on a project with Ara Poutama, The Department of Corrections, Mental health, and addition services team, to bring more yoga to more people in prison, and the spur for this work; Covid, isolation and mental wellbeing.
What would happen if a tohunga (priest/expert) of Māori esoteric traditions met a yogi master? What would their interaction look like?
Some years ago, a dear friend and mentor told me a story about a legendary sword fight between two samurai masters. They met on a beach, with their students watching on and expecting to witness the greatest sword fight of all time.