Our Programmes
Explore Our Transformative Yoga Programs
Freedom From Within
Kei roto I tuku kia haere ~ Freedom From Within is the mindset of how we approach all of our programmes and courses. The programmes includes techniques that help develop awareness of body and breath leading to skills in self-reflection and greater capacity to manage thought patterns and behaviour.
Correspondance Course
The Yoga Education In Prisons Trust’s Correspondence is a self-study correspondence course teaching the skills of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Available free to all prisoners in Aotearoa New Zealand. The course has been written by senior yoga teachers, in conjunction with professional literacy advice.
Te Rokihau, The Calm Breath
A Yoga Prison TV Video Project
Ara Poutama, Department of Corrections, funded the Calm Breath project, which introduced 14 yoga and meditation videos into the national prison TV system in November 2023. Research has demonstrated the benefits of yoga in helping individuals in the challenging prison environment, offering additional support and choices for people in prison.