Brendon Sakey (Yogeshwaran) - Auckland

Brendon tried his first yoga class under some pine trees in the Himalayan foothills in his early twenties and loved everything about it and has been hooked ever since. Brendon completed a Diploma in Yoga Studies through Mangrove Yoga Academy in Australia.  

He practices and teaches a traditional and holistic form of yoga while remaining open to today’s modern and evolving world of yoga. Brendon teaches yoga with mindfulness as a foundation and incorporates dynamic practices as well as a focus on developing stillness and spaciousness.

Brendon has experience teaching yoga classes and workshops in the community, workplaces, retreat centres and yoga teacher training courses. He has taught yoga in health and rehabilitation centres, including drug and alcohol programs, prison and palliative care.

Brendon is also a NZ registered social worker, currently working in palliative care. He is passionate about the therapeutic applications of yoga and is always inspired to see yoga uplifting and empowering those who practice sincerely.


Jess Hastings - Auckland


Linda Trubridge - Hawkes Bay